Consolidate information about the certification status of components and units used in power generation and distribution facilities

With the Zerez app There is no need to manually enter and check Zerez IDs — network operators save time, reduce errors and automate the application review directly in the order process.
- Automated testing: No need to manually synchronize Zerez IDs
- Time saving: Faster application processing through direct integration of data
- Mitigation of errors: Only valid components stored in ZEREZ can already be selected in the application
- Flexibility through filters: Individual adjustment of the selection according to component, certificate status or VDE guidelines
1. Submitting an application
In the EPILOT journey, the applicant directly selects the appropriate components from the Zerez database.

2. Automatic testing
By integrating the app into the application, only valid and relevant components can be selected right from the start of the process.
3. Optimized order process
Network operators can set targeted filters to make ordering processes even more specific.
4. Efficient processing
The stored data flows directly into the order and is available for further process steps.

Die Installation: Loslegen war noch nie einfacher.

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